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Animated Gif Successor

Animated GIF Alternatives

The Rise and Fall of GIFs

Introduced in 1987 by CompuServe, the GIF format quickly became popular for sharing images and animated sequences of images. However, the GIF format has several limitations, including its large file size and lack of support for transparency. As a result, other animated GIF alternatives have emerged in recent years.

Alternatives to GIFs

Some of the most popular animated GIF alternatives include:

  • WebP: A format developed by Google that offers smaller file sizes and better support for transparency than GIFs.
  • APNG: A format developed by Mozilla that supports animation and transparency, but is not as widely supported as GIFs or WebP.
  • SVG: A vector format that can be used to create animated images that are smaller in file size than GIFs and can be scaled to any size without losing quality.

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, these alternatives offer different advantages and disadvantages that can make them a better choice for certain applications.
