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Switzerland Should Soften Its Neutrality And Work With Nato Panel Says

Switzerland should soften its neutrality and work with NATO, panel says

Switzerland should soften its neutrality and work with NATO, panel says

A parliamentary panel says Switzerland should ditch its 200-year-old neutrality and work more closely with NATO.

A parliamentary panel in Switzerland has recommended that the country abandon its 200-year-old neutrality and work more closely with NATO. The panel said that Switzerland should "rethink" its neutrality in light of the war in Ukraine and the changing security landscape in Europe.

The panel's report said that Switzerland should "adapt its security policy to the new geopolitical reality" and that it should "intensify cooperation with NATO." The report also said that Switzerland should "increase its defense spending" and "strengthen its military capabilities."

The panel's recommendations are likely to be controversial in Switzerland, where neutrality has been a cornerstone of foreign policy since the 1815 Congress of Vienna.

Why is Switzerland neutral?

Switzerland has been neutral since the 1815 Congress of Vienna. The country's neutrality was recognized by the great powers of Europe at the time, and it has been enshrined in the Swiss constitution since 1848.

Switzerland's neutrality has served the country well over the years. It has allowed Switzerland to avoid being drawn into wars and has helped to maintain the country's independence and sovereignty.

Why is Switzerland considering changing its neutrality?

The war in Ukraine has raised questions about Switzerland's neutrality. The war has shown that even neutral countries can be affected by conflict, and it has led to calls for Switzerland to rethink its neutrality.

The panel's report said that Switzerland should "rethink" its neutrality in light of the war in Ukraine and the changing security landscape in Europe.

What are the benefits of Switzerland joining NATO?

There are several benefits to Switzerland joining NATO. Joining NATO would give Switzerland access to the collective security of the alliance. It would also give Switzerland a voice in the alliance's decision-making process.

Joining NATO would also help to strengthen Switzerland's military capabilities. NATO members are required to spend 2% of their GDP on defense, and Switzerland currently spends only 1.5% of its GDP on defense.

What are the risks of Switzerland joining NATO?

There are also some risks to Switzerland joining NATO. Joining NATO could increase the risk of Switzerland being drawn into a conflict. It could also lead to increased pressure on Switzerland to increase its defense spending.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to join NATO is a complex one. There are both benefits and risks to joining the alliance, and the Swiss government will need to weigh these factors carefully before making a decision.
